Experts advise the following during the first two weeks of a new season.
Things to do when seasonal change-
Food and drink in seasonal change-
1-Eat freshly cooked,seasonal and locally produced foods.
2-Avoid heavy ,oily or fried foods.
3- Drink plenty of warm water and herbal teas.
Do exercise in season change-
1-Try gentle forms of exercise ,such as yoga ,tai ,chi and walking
2-Follow stress-reducing techniques such as meditation,paranayama and yoga nidra.
1-daily massage with warm herbal oils.
2-Rasayana or rejuvenation therapy.
3-panchakarma or detoxification.
1-For emotional detoxification take a few minutes every day to write about one’s emotions and physical,status
Also read-Using Watermelon Seeds To Treat Diabetes Is A Heart-Wise Move
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