According to Dr. Harsh Kapoor, Chairman (Pan Metro) of the Institute of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, GI Surgery, and Liver Transplant, Metro Hospitals, the social media fixation with the ideal mealtime is only partially true for weight loss.
Social media has given rise to numerous myths about how eating at particular times can lead to weight gain or loss. There is nothing more deceitful. What you eat, how many calories you consume at each meal, and how you use those calories all impact how many calories your body can burn throughout the day. A gram of protein has about 4.5 calories, compared to nine from a gram of fat and nine from a gram of carbohydrate. As a result, all three of these components must be included in a balanced diet.

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Weight loss tips:
The typical calorie rule is really straightforward: You need 25 calories to maintain a kilogram of body weight. Therefore, multiply your weight in kilograms by 25. You need that many calories every day to keep your weight stable. Reduce your calorie intake gradually if you want to lose weight and reach your target body weight.
The next step is to arrange the appropriate number and place them in accordance with your activity graph while keeping in mind how many calories are necessary for you to consume food. When you want to eat a lot of calories, eat them during the day when your basal metabolic rate (BMR), or the rate at which your body burns through energy while at rest to maintain life, is high. Because your BMR decreases as you go to bed because of the body’s circadian rhythm, your evening meals must be modest in calories.

What to eat in weight loss:
The quantity of food you desire to eat should contain the ideal ratio of proteins, fats, carbs, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. I would suggest that you think of breakfast as the best meal of the day since, after an overnight fast and after passing stool, your blood sugar levels drop, and studies conducted in England have shown that people who skip breakfast frequently experience digestive issues throughout the rest of the day.

A well-balanced breakfast will give you enough calories to start your day with and help you burn them out very quickly with your routine activities.

Time manegment in weight loss-
For this reason, some people also take a shot of a high-carbohydrate beverage; however, it is not recommended. Once more, your lunch should be a balanced meal. If you enjoy a hearty lunch, eat it between 1 and 2 pm, when your body can burn more calories. A diet high in fatty and spicy meals is not advised. More gas is typically produced by onions and garlic. You should therefore be cautious about what your system needs.
You should also stop eating between 7 and 8 o’clock in the evening so that you have plenty of time to do things until 10 o’clock and burn off the energy the meal gives you before bed.

Every time you eat, you should be seated or otherwise upright to allow gravity to aid in digestion and the spontaneous expulsion of any gas that may have naturally developed. Drinking eight glasses of water each day will help your intestines pass food and waste more easily.
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