At this date, there have been many improvements made in space exploration. And since Mars has the greatest potential for supporting human habitation in the future among the planets, it has been the focus of numerous studies and programmes.
But even so, there are still a lot of mysteries surrounding the red planet. And the pictures taken from Mars’s surface and orbit have both confused and intrigued UFO aficionados. See for yourself by looking at these pictures: Is there actually life on Mars?
The human bone
In 2014, the Mars Curiosity Rover’s mast camera captured this picture. After someone noticed a figure among the pebbles that appeared to be a human bone, namely a femur thigh bone, conspiracy theories about the image began to circulate.

Do these relics prove that there was life on Mars? This is only a rock, according to the experts. There won’t be any significant fossils or remains on the surface of Mars since any life that ever existed there would have been little, basic living forms.
The pyramid
Conspiracy theorists went into a frenzy when they discovered a pyramid on Mars’ surface, as if the mysteries surrounding the pyramids on Earth weren’t intriguing enough already. All the hypotheses that aliens built the pyramids have been rekindled as a result of this.

Pyramids on Mars, according to some conspiracy theorists, are a communication from an extraterrestrial civilization. The Mars Curiosity Program’s Dr. Jim Bell, however, refuted these claims, suggesting that the pyramid is simply a rock.
A bright signal
On April 2 and 3, 2014, the Mars Curiosity rover filmed a puzzling and dazzling flash of light that sent UFO aficionados into a frenzy. UFO enthusiasts thought the bright light was a signal because it appeared in two images taken on two separate occasions.

According to Justin Maki, who was in charge of the Curiosity rover’s engineering cameras, the brilliant light is simply sunlight bouncing off a rock surface. A chink in the Curiosity rover’s camera could also be the source of the light.
Bigfoot on Mars
Rock formations on the surface of Mars were caught in a 2007 photograph by the Mars Spirit Rover. But due to the image’s recognisable appearance, it quickly gained popularity on numerous websites that specialise on UFOs. Look at the direction that the arrow is pointing.

One of the rock formations has a Bigfoot-like or other strange stature in it. This was an alien-erected statue of a woman, according to UFO Sightings Daily. The Planetary Society, however, claims that it was just a common pebble producing an optical illusion.
Egg rock
While exploring the base of Mount Sharp in 2016, the Mars Curiosity Rover occurred to come across this golf ball-sized, egg-shaped rock. At that time, the Curiosity Rover was situated in the Gale Crater.

Instead of being an alien egg, as some conspiracy theorists claimed, the smooth-surfaced, dark rock was not. It was examined using laser pulses, which established that it was an iron-and-nickel meteorite.
The hiding crab
A monster was visible in a 2015 image taken by the Mars Curiosity Rover thanks to keen UFO enthusiasts. When they enlarged the photograph, they discover a crab-shaped thing buried among the rocks.

Social media users had been debating whether the enlarged close-up of the alleged Martian crab was actually a crab, a spider, or a lobster. But according to the experts, this is nothing more than a lighting and shadows trick on the rocks.
The floating spoon
Look at this image and pay attention to where the red arrow is pointing. Does the rock formation appear to have a spoon floating in it? However, spoons are obviously not available on Mars, so what exactly is it?

The Mars Curiosity Rover took this picture. This is only a small portion of the surface, according to NASA. Because Mars’ gravitational pull is weaker than that of Earth’s, delicate surface structures like this one can float without collapsing.