Celebrations for Independence Day are always accompanied by loud bursts of light and the noise of Alzheimer’s patients.
However, those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease may find the “rocket’s red glare” (and bang) confusing and distressing.
In order to make this July 4th easier for those who are caring for someone with dementia, an expert provides four essential ideas.
Families affected by dementia-related disorders can still enjoy Independence Day celebrations if they make the appropriate accommodations, such as being cautious when watching fireworks because of the loud noises. According to Jennifer Reeder, director of educational and social services at the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America (AFA), careful planning is necessary to guarantee their enjoyment, safety, and comfort. “The best ways caregivers can make their loved ones’ Fourth of July celebration dementia-friendly are by being proactive, prepared, and adaptable, as well as by creating a safe space.”
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Alzheimer’s Patients
Four suggestions from Reeder and the AFA for a more peaceful July 4:
1. Nix the fireworks. People with dementia are prone to what’s known as sensory overload, the AFA explained. In the worst-case scenario, the flash and boom of fireworks might even cause a person with dementia to wander away whenever fireworks are nearby. Some war veterans can even have flashbacks and imagine they are under fire or threatened by bombs.
Keeping a loved one with dementia inside, away from the din of fireworks, is strongly advised. Seeing a fireworks display via your TV might be a more manageable way to experience them, the AFA said.

Alzheimer’s Patients
2. Prepare for the 4th, and create a calm environment. If you know that fireworks will be inevitable in your area, remind your loved one at regular intervals before and during the day that loud noises could occur. Setting up a white noise machine, an air conditioner, or even music your loved one loves can help drown out firework noise and keeping them calm.
If your loved one has special “comfort items” (for example, a favorite blanket) make sure it’s nearby. If your loved one with dementia lives alone, “consider asking a trusted relative or friend to stay with them, or hire a home caregiver for the night,” the AFA said.

Alzheimer’s Patients
3. Keep gatherings small. Considering a July 4 backyard barbecue or other events? Keep it small, the AFA said. Big crowds tend to overwhelm and agitate a person with dementia. Lunchtime gatherings are better than later in the day, when “sundowning” becomes an issue. Consider having guests wear name tags, to minimize your loved one’s confusion when meeting people. And try as much as possible to keep the person’s daily routine on track, the AFA said.

Alzheimer’s Patients
4. Get creative. Make the day festive and involve your loved one in those festivities. For example, “include creating patriotic decorations with your loved one, playing or singing familiar patriotic music, baking Fourth of July-themed desserts or compiling a family album with pictures of past Independence Day memories,” the AFA suggested. “Each of these activities can be cognitively stimulating and help your loved one express themselves creatively.”

Alzheimer’s Patients
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Disclaimer: The opinions and suggestions expressed in this article are solely those of the individual analysts. These are not the opinions of HNN. For more, please consult with your doctor