Explore the widespread issue of spam calls plaguing individuals worldwide, with a focus on the situation in India. Learn about the impact, prevalent techniques, and measures to combat spam calls.
Spam calls have become a ubiquitous nuisance, affecting individuals across the globe and posing significant challenges in various regions, including India. This report delves into the phenomenon of spam calls, examining its impact worldwide and focusing on the situation in India. Through an analysis of prevalent techniques, impact assessment, and preventive measures, this report aims to shed light on the complexities of this persistent issue.
- Spam calls are like an infuriating anti-climax!
- Spam calls have no time or place.
- They talk about credit cards and loans and any greedy things, even some time about life partners and these calls are called Spam call
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Some questions are asked by people.
How do spam calls work?
Why do we keep getting them all the time?
Is there no way to stop them?
Why should you care about this?
SPAM: Incessant Emails calls, and texts you receive every day
Spam means unsolicited, usually commercial messages sent to a large number of recipients or posted in a large number of places
Basically unwanted in basic communication, definitely no sign for.

Where does the word spam come from?
The word spam originated in 1937. An American meat company launched a packed meat product by its name spam and is widely popular. In the Second World War, spam was given to the soldiers fighting the war. It has not needed to cook. it is ready-to-eat food.
So, people refused this because they said it was junk food.
Then, how did junk food become synonymous with junk calls?
A British comedian made a spoof on spam in the 1970s.
- Egg+ Spam
- Egg Bacon, and Spam
- Egg Bacon Sausage + Spam
It has become a popular and unwanted food. This is how much spam means unwanted things. So, they are basically unwanted calls that come from unknown companies or people.
Basically, it is a call from
- IT companies in telemarketing.
- It could be recorded messages.
- It could be recorded messages.
- It could be phishing.

Total number of calls by spam all over the world.
TrueCaller identified 37.5 BN it across the globe. The global population is a little over 8 billion right now. SPAM calls were almost 5 times the global population.
Some reports regarding to Spam calls
By telecom.com ( dec-17-2021)
India is the 4th most affected country by spam calls in 2021, according to TrueCaller.
On a global level, TrueCaller said it identified 184.5 billion spam calls, and 586 billion messages of those 37.8 billion spam calls were identified and blocked, while 182 billion messages were identified and blocked.

Most spammed countries of the world
- Brazil: Every user received 32.9 calls per month in the country.
- Peru: Every user received 18.2 calls per month in the country.
- Ukraine: Every user received 16.2 calls per month in the country.
- India: Higher calls received per month in our country
Top spammers in India.
- Sales accounted for 93.5% of spam calls.
- Financial services account for 3.11 percent of spam calls.
- Nuisance: 0.2% of spam calls.
- Scammed 1.14% of spam calls.
“Over 202 million spam calls were made by just one spammer in India this year. that’s over 6,64,000 calls every day and 27000 calls every hour of every day.” Truecaller highted in its findings released Friday.

How do scammers get your number?
- Because there is no virtual data privilege
- All these things are linked to each other.
Mobile number< Linked to data sets< puts you in category on the basis of age networth, etc.
Once you give the information you all set out or the data is sold to the companies, anyone with money can access your data. Some data is available for free from online databases. Due to this, every Indian receives 3 or more spam calls every day.
Breaking down spam calls
51%: Fincinical servers
21% : Real estate
8%: Pathology service
3%: Phone data plans
1%: Beauty services
By the Times of India ( may 2, -2023)
About 83% of Indians have lost money in AI Voices scams.
48% loss over RS50000
Spam calls are flooding WhatsApp. India has the largest user base; about 487 billion users are on WhatsApp. Indian users were flooded by unknown calls on WhatsApp. Most of the calls are not from India; they are coming from Southeast Asia, like Africa.

How did it stop?
Until some time ago, India had no rules or regulations for spam calls. But when TRAI(TELECOM REGULATORY AUTHORITY OF INDIA) some rules come in May 2023
- The company must use AI spam filters to block calls.
- Filters help identify spam and block it, but they have no effect.
- Then the government mulls new legislation against spam.
- use caller ID to tell spam or not.

Why did India’s caller ID plan not work?
Telecom companies with privacy concerns will just identify spam, not block it. means that government . regulation is not much success.
What can you do about spam?
- Get a call block in app
- Sign up for the DND list.

Spam calls represent a pervasive challenge impacting individuals and businesses worldwide, with India being particularly vulnerable to their effects. As technological advancements continue to evolve, so too do the methods employed by spammers, necessitating proactive measures to combat this menace. By implementing robust regulatory frameworks, leveraging technological innovations, and fostering consumer awareness, stakeholders can collectively mitigate the impact of spam calls and safeguard against future threats.

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images source: Google
Disclaimer: The opinions and suggestions expressed in this article are solely those of the individual analysts. These are not the opinions of HNN.