The concept of a Dyson Sphere has long been a captivating and awe-inspiring notion in the realm of space exploration and science fiction. First proposed by the British-American theoretical physicist and mathematician, Freeman Dyson, in 1960, a Dyson Sphere represents an ambitious endeavor to harness the limitless energy of a star.
Earth’s biggest construction project
What if we were able to use the entire solar system’s energy? What if advanced extraterrestrial societies have already discovered how to harness star energy? Freeman J. Dyson, a scientist and astronomer, suggested using orbiting solar collectors to pull off this amazing feat in 1960. As a mental experiment, he looked at it first. These enormous constructions are now referred to as Dyson spheres. Additionally, some astronomers desire to look for them.
In 1960, Dyson published a two-page study in the journal Science that served as the inspiration for the Dyson sphere. Search for Man-Made Stellar Sources of Infrared Radiation was the title. According to Dyson, advanced civilizations in the cosmos would inevitably use a solar system-sized power collecting mechanism. He said that looking for signs of these structures’ presence might help find intelligent life elsewhere in the galaxy.

Freeman Dyson at the Long Now Seminar in San Francisco on October 5, 2005. Image via Jacob Appelbaum
The mystery of Tabby’s Star
Astronomers have recently looked into the potential of a Dyson sphere that actually exists. It involved a peculiar star known as Tabby’s Star and designated KIC 8462852. Its discoverer, Tabetha Boyajian, is responsible for the nomenclature. Strange light emanating from this star, with sudden dimmings. Initially, astronomers hypothesised that the star’s light might point to a Dyson sphere. There are also new theories concerning Tabby’s Star that are somewhat (but not altogether) less fantastical, such the idea of a dissolving exomoon. However, the astronomers’ discussion of a Dyson sphere was fascinating for the duration of it.
Additionally, in 2018 there was increasing talk about Dyson spheres. For instance, it has been suggested that the Gaia mission be used to look for Dyson spheres.
Thus, throughout the 20th century, Dyson spheres have only appeared in science fiction or as a scientific possibility. However, the notion of aliens now seems plausible enough to astronomers that some are closely examining certain stars in search of indications of them.
What is a Dyson sphere?
A Dyson sphere was initially thought of as a manufactured, hollow sphere of matter encircling a star, and Dyson did use the term “shell” at first. However, Dyson didn’t envision the energy collectors enclosed in a rigid casing. Following his 1960 paper, Dyson engaged in a letter-writing conversation with other scientists in the journal Science.
A solid shell or ring surrounding a star is mechanically impossible. The form of ‘biosphere’ which I envisaged consists of a loose collection or swarm of objects traveling on independent orbits around the star.

The central dot in this image represents a star. The simplest form of Dyson sphere might begin as a ring of solar power collectors, at a distance from a star of, say, 100 million miles. This configuration is sometimes called a Dyson ring.

As time passed, a civilization might continue to add Dyson rings to the space around its star, creating a relatively simple, but incredibly powerful, Dyson sphere.
A sphere the size of Earth’s orbit
For example, the diameter of an Earth orbiting the sun would equal that of a Dyson sphere. We go 150 million kilometres (93 million miles) in our orbit. The Dyson sphere is described as follows on the website Sentient Developments.
It would take the form of a star-encircling shell made of solar collectors (or dwellings). In this concept, the energy would reach a receiving surface where it may be put to use, if not entirely. According to [Dyson], such buildings would be the logical result of a technological civilization’s long-term survival and growing energy requirements.
Of course, science fiction authors have enjoyed themselves immensely while writing about Dyson spheres. Dyson has acknowledged that he took inspiration from science fiction. Then he developed his technological investigation of the notion of a megastructure obtaining energy from its star. This concept was initially introduced in Olaf Stapledon’s science fiction book Star Maker from 1937. It appears that Dyson read Stapledon’s book and took inspiration from it.
Have extraterrestrials built Dyson spheres?
What might astronomers check for when looking for Dyson sphere proof? Astronomers had been dissatisfied for years since they had been looking for radio signals from advanced civilizations beyond Earth but had come up empty-handed, even before the discovery of Tabby’s Star. So in 2013, a few astronomers were debating a new search method. Think about how the light from a star might change if a system of solar power collectors, or a megastructure, were placed around it. Energy from the star would be absorbed and released by the solar collectors. Astronomers have discussed looking for that radiated energy.

Artist’s concept of a Dyson sphere. Image via Kevin Gill
Good video on Dyson sphere
Also, nobody has ever claimed that creating a Dyson sphere would be simple. I occasionally laughed out loud while watching the video below as the British host stated stuff like:
Bottom line: A Dyson sphere is a megastructure that could theoretically harvest all the energy of a star and supply an advanced alien civilization.